Friday, November 12, 2010


one more direction: 

Two directions for my poster. The top one has a small white border around the entire poster and is heavier at the bottom where the text is.


  1. I like the top one, there's clear hierarchy and all of the elements are working together (though I'm not sure what the image is of-a playhouse?) the bottom one, im not sure where the pictures are coming from: are they being rained down? And the clouds could be shaped a little differently: is the top one a big flipped bottom one? Overall I like the top one, I think it's much more powerful.

  2. I really like the concept of the very top one with the fingerprints. I think the background needs a little texture. Maybe try putting some white paper back there or very subtle drawings done by children. Good Luck!

  3. The top concept is so interested. I really like it. It is fun yet has a adult feel to it. Children would be draw to the colors and the figure prints give it an adult feel. I would like to see some variation in the finger prints. No finger print is the same so changing them up a little will only help the concept. I like the new direction. Good Luck!

  4. I agree with Rebecca. The top one is most interesting. I think the type on the bottom may be a little too big. idk, you'd have to print it. I also like the negative space in the second one. It brings all the interest to the middle where it belongs. If you go that route, maybe put some text and the logo on the bottom.

  5. I think the top poster is really interesting but I'm not so sure that fingerprints are the prints to use. The fingerprints kind of make me think of those find-a-kid programs we had to get fingerprinted for all the time when we were little. Maybe you could use handprints and have one turned into a hand-turkey or one that was just colored like you have done with the fingerprints. The type at the bottom feels a little awkward, maybe it's just sizing issues that are happening right now.

  6. I agree with Cara... seeing "Children's Playhouse" and seeing a line up of fingerprints makes me think of kidnapping and trials and those boards outside walmart where they try to find kids. The second concept is much, much stronger, though I think that the imagery needs work.

  7. I like the very top one too and i think hand prints would be more interesting than fingerprints! I like Cara's idea about the turkey hand or it could be something else, just be playful with it! Maybe make the text at the bottom flush left instead of flush right....seems a bit awkward...maybe because we read from left to right. Overall nice concept! Good Job!

  8. The third poster seems to be the most cohesive right now. The other two have stronger concepts. Keep working those to look more finished. I really like the taglines you are using in your fingerprint and daydreaming posters.

  9. i really like the first one. the while the fingerprints do kind of feel like find-a-kid this is easily fixed. Just take them out of a straight line and put them all over the page in varied sizes and such.
