Sunday, November 21, 2010

Brochure Redone


  1. Hey Callie,

    I like the new direction. Consider using a different color instead of black. It has a nice contrast, but it's too dark for the children's playhouse. Also, check your apostrophes.

    good work!

  2. hi callie

    seems like an over reliance on stock photo as the focal point and solution. the cut and paste aesthetic, which i like, is used inconsistently. the type is not working at all as an example of good typography. typos. the drawings are not coming off as children's drawings but instead look like bad vector drawings done by an adult. why not use crayons or fingerpaint on paper scanned in. why not have children do the drawings. being as how they are so close and accessible, i would have taken (lots) of photos myself of the space, children, etc to show off.

    these images have a real stock- clip art look to them. not sure how things fold on the online version so can not respond to the clouds and how things look on the actual piece. right now, do not see a relationship with the clouds and inside spreads.
    direction-wise i like the cut and paste- makes me think of what children do there- and think this could pan out as a concept. typographically, this needs to come up as the large blocks of type are just laying there, not engaging the space or doing anything for the layout.

    hope this helps,

